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An Interview with Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini is an international educator specializing in human behavior and social dynamics. He is the founder of the Demartini Institute, author of over 40 books and creator of The Demartini Method™.

Dr Demartini recently took some time to take part in an email interview with Exclus1ve’s Graeme Shackleford.

Exclus1ves:  For our readers not familiar with your work, could you please tell us in twenty words who John Demartini is?

John Demartini:  I am a human behavioral specialist, best-selling author and teacher who fulltime travels the world, researching, writing and teaching, dedicated to expanding human awareness and potential so my students can live more fulfilled, extraordinary and inspired lives.

EB: You’re most well-known for developing the Demartini Method. What led you to develop it, and could you please give us a summary of what it’s about?

JD:  Since I was 18 and I began reading and devouring everything I could find on the natural laws and on maximizing human awareness and potential I dreamed of finding ways to help people breakthrough any self-imposed limitations that would stop them from living fulfilled and magnificent lives. The Demartini Method is a synthesis of all my work in many integrated fields for this exact purpose.

EB: You had a breakthrough experience at the age of 17, when Paul Bragg helped you catalyze a profound transformation. Can you please tell us a little about that?

JD:  I was a 17 year old surfer and high school drop out living in a tent in the jungle on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. I had just days before nearly died of strychnine poisoning, was trying to recover from the ordeal and was intuitively led to attend a special rare evening class held by the famous health enthusiast Paul C. Bragg. This one man, in one hour, with his one message inspired me to change the course of my life. That night with his wise guidance I saw a vision of a new possibility. Something that I did not dream was achievable until then. Up until that moment I believed I would never be able to read, write, or communicate, nor amount to anything, nor go very far in life – exactly what my first grade teacher told my parents and I when I was 7. But that man saw something different in me and said that whatever I decided to do with my life that night would become my destiny. I saw a vision of me speaking before a massive audience sharing an inspiring message and I decided that I wanted to be similar to this amazing man and travel, teach and inspire. I wanted to step foot in every country on the face of the earth and share my research findings with others. Well, 38 years later here I am doing what I love most.

EB:  When did you first realize you have a “calling” to help people realize their potential, and how did you set about doing so?

JD:  That one special night that I saw my vision with Paul C. Bragg I awakened to it. And then gradually when after returning to Texas and taking a GED high school equivalency test and passing and then taking a college entrance exam and passing it and then beginning college and gradually spontaneously gathering students around me did I realize my vision was gradually coming true. At the University of Houston during my lunch hours in the central park of the campus I gradually drew more and more students around me each day asking me questions and hearing me share whatever I was learning- sometimes as many as 150 would sit or stand and listen. It just kept attracting greater numbers of students as I continued to share, first throughout the city, then the state, then the nation, and finally now the world. If someone asked me to speak 500 times in a year I would just do it. In 2007 I was able to present 426 presentations across the world.

EB:  You’ve travelled to South Africa before, and have done much work with many different sectors of our society. How has that work been received? Did you learn much during the time you’ve spent in our country?

JD:  I have found that the people in South Africa that I have met are fabulous. Thy are receptive and value fulfilling their lives. They are highly spirited and have dreams and desires to serve. I have learned how resourceful and efficient many people are able to live and how creative they can be and how much love they have for the families and extended loved ones. I love the spirit of South Africans.

EB:  For a reader who is perhaps not too familiar with your work, but is inspired by your story, which of your books would you recommend they begin with, and why?

JD:  The Breakthrough Experience – A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation would be the first book on my suggested list, because it will introduce to you the power you have inside to breakthrough any self-imposed limitations in the way of living or achieving your most inspiring dreams.

And second would be the CD set titled Awakening Your Genius and Potential, which is a CD set that captured a special live evening presentation in Johannesburg that I hope you could hear because it will help you realize the ingenious potential you have inside to do extraordinary things in the world.

EB:  Why is an attitude of gratitude so important for people?

JD:  Gratitude is the key that opens up the gateway of your heart that allows the untapped and inspiring potential of love to radiate out and cleanse your mind of any clouding uncertainties that could block you from living your most amazing and extraordinary life and dream. When you are grateful for what you have you get more to be grateful for. You life is fulfilled to the degree of your gratitude. If they had only 24 hours to live you would say thank you I love you to those who have contributed to your life the most. Gratitude heals, inspires and vitalizes amazing action.

EB:   What is your writing method? Where/how do you begin writing?

JD:  Throughout the years I have written many books on many topics all by different styles; from literally handwriting and then tediously typing and re-typing page after page; to typing and using liquid “white out”; to eventually getting a word processing computer; to eventually transcribing live presentations and editing them as I went along; to now having professionals helping final edit my books. My first book was on the Lymphatic System. Of course you can imagine how popular that one was. I just kept writing one after another. I love researching and writing. I have worked at researching and writing books, manuscripts or workbooks every day now for 32 years. I published my first book at age 23.

EB: You spend so much time working and travelling, so your spare time must be pretty sacred. What do you do in your spare time?

JD:  I research, write, travel and teach. I rarely arrange for spare time. If we do not fill our days with high priority actions they will fill with low priority actions. I would prefer to live my life according to my highest priorities and do what I love, which again is research, write, travel and teach. It is my mission and calling. It is what inspires me. It is my destiny.

EB:  Do you perhaps have a message for our readers?

JD:  Give yourself permission to do something extraordinary and amazing on planet earth. Acknowledge that you have and can do whatever it takes. You would not be given true and inspiring dream without the potential to fulfill it. Listen to the wisdom of your heart and then use the sound reason of your mind to strategize and plan out the life you truly desire and deserve. It does not matter what you have been through, nor does it matter what you are going through, what matters is that you have a dream and that you are willing to whatever it takes to fulfill it. When the why is big your “hows” will take care of themselves. Compare yourself not to others, but only to the vision you hold within your heart. Dedicate your life to a cause greater than yourself and watch you get beyond yourself. The very thing that someone told you that you would never be able to do may just be the very thing you are destined to do.

Click here for a list of Dr John Demartini’s books.

About the Demartini Method

The Demartini Method® is a breakthrough discovery and cutting edge personal transformation methodology which results in a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and feeling. Developed by Dr. John Demartini, it is the culmination of more than 36 years of research and studies in numerous disciplines including physics, philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, mathematics, neurology and physiology.

The Demartini Method is:
• A systematic pre-determined series of mental questions directed toward the objective of assisting an individual to feel present, certainty and gratitude.
• A procedure that neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges, balances his or her mental and physical reactions, opens his or her heart and clears his or her mind.
• A continuous thinking process and writing action repeated over a course of time that results in a resolution of dis-equilibrated perceptions.
• A reproducible science enabling individuals to discover the underlying order governing their apparent daily chaos.
The Demartini Method is the most powerful, effective and efficient methodology in personal transformation. It is an effective means of transforming any form of stress or conflict.

The Demartini Method is now being used in over 58 countries throughout the world. Millions of individuals have now heard of this stress reducing, conflict resolving method. It is presently being introduced to psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, health professionals, prison workers, police, business executives, financial specialists, film producers, actors, politicians, and U.N. delegates.


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